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Photography / Cycling

Lovely experience with a family of Swans. The signets all looked happy and healthy.

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Photography / Cycling

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Photography / Nature

One of the things I never appreciated about Hamilton until people with money moved in and pointed them all out were the waterfalls. I’m still not convinced theyre that amazing, but I need to post something today to satisfy my ‘post-all-December’ challenge, so here’s a picture from earlier in the year taken via my a6000.


Other Notes

  1. Add Main Page Resolve

  2. Make a better post tomorrow!

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Photography / Cycling

Was mostly push my bike along steep hills as I enjoyed the scenery in the Red Hill this past weekend. Took a couple breathers are grabbed a couple cheap pics while talking to out-of-towners who were a little lost in the 5-6 kms of trail. Nice day all around.

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Anonymous User Wednesday, July 6, 2022
absolute crap!