rocky  [clear]
Photography / General

Our kitten Rocky when he was new and 8 weeks old. Time flies.

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Admin Friday, February 16, 2024
Found some old pictures of Rocky in my email. Applied some upscaling. This is from May 2009. He was brand new and eight weeks old. Time flies. T _ T
Photography / General

Another Rocky shot. He has not been leaving me alone lately…

Miscellaneous / Art

Totally forgot about this old pixel art I drew a few years ago. I used a picture of a model for reference but I could not locate the original pixelmator file. It’s somewhere, I’m sure. I’ll update if I find something, but otherwise, here’s today’s post.

P.s. Bonus Rocky image.

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Staring from the stairs. Posing on a Post.

Also note our missing stain glass window - broken during a delivery :(

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Miscellaneous / Art

Busy last couple days at work so here’s a sketch of some dude I did between coding sessions. Site also recently updated to use SSR but I have not quite figured out how to use it properly. For the time being, the server config is in place and I am using a ssr dist for now.

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