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Videogames / Nintendo / GameBoy

Enjoy these shots of Wario Land 3 running via the Analogue Nt Noir’s GBC FPGA Core on a 14” PVM.

Look at that dust on the the nt, lol. Was also meaning to get a post per each day of December, but it’s not like anyone is here watching. I still feel like I failed myself.

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Videogames / Capcom / Arcade / PCBs
I'm very fortunate to own a dark soft modded CPSIII board, which also dispenses with the CD drive by replacing it with an SD to SCSI adapter, making the total footprint of the board very small. As the shots show, this is a very beautiful looking board - unfortunately my office was a little dark, so let me know if they are acceptable. This is set up running via a HAS superGun with a 14" Sony PVM. I've also included a few shots directly from the PCB.
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